CA: Recall effort for Brock Turner judge gaining momentum

[ABC 10]

The campaign to recall the judge who sentenced former Stanford University swimmer Brock Turner to six months in jail for sexually assaulting a woman appears to be gaining momentum.

Stanford law professor Michele Dauber, who’s behind the effort to recall Santa Clara County Judge Aaron Persky, told ABC10 that they now have more than 70,000 petition signatures.

“When Judge Persky gave Brock Turner only six months in jail for three felony sex crimes, he gave Turner the same kind of privilege that Harvey Weinstein and others have received over the years,” said Dauber. “That is unacceptable.”


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Well, I’m not sure what to say, I’m not completely familiar with all the facts of this case, but he should be punished in some way. I don’t know for how long etc, but every case is different and I’m sure the judge took this into consideration. I literally see at least 1-2 news articles of female teachers being arrested weekly for having sex with underage students. I find this (authority figures) both disturbing and thought provoking. Some of (women on girls at times) stories are very disturbing. Yet, I later read many just receive probation/parole? So, I sometimes wonder if the judicial system views women differently? In my case, the DA found 3 women all lying, discussing the case with the Detective (at the same time/same room) and this is what eventually destroyed my case. So, I hope the judge prevails!

People are angry because had he not been a white college athlete he would be in prison for at least 5 years for having sex with (raping) an unconscious woman as unconcious people have no way of consenting.

This whole campaign disgusts me, as they are missing the point. My son was a victim of mandatory minimums and our family truly believes that if his sentence was in the hands of the elected judge, who’s face showed shock at the reading of the guilty verdict, that his fate might have been similar to Turners. Additionally, I attended Turner’s sentencing and while the outcome was predicted to be unpopular and then some, the judge spent a good deal of time justifying his decision as it related to the elements of the law as well as correlating the facts of the case to the corresponding codes. He did the job he was elected to do. The general public, thanks to media ignorance, never factored in the lifetime punishment that Turner would face by being on this ridiculously punitive registry. The stories of so many on this site need to get out there in full force to educate these morons who think that all of you are nothing but predators and pedophiles. Sorry for rambling. Just sick and tired of the uninformed, and this Dauber wacko has a questionable history and reputation and I’m tired of her unfounded platforms!!

What we are watching is a lynch mob in action